Just some wallpapers that I have done when I got bored or had a glimmer of inspiration. Also, blogging stuff.
Why is it so huge?
Published on June 27, 2005 By Monte Cristo In WindowBlinds
Can anybody tell me why the info bar at the bottom of FireFox is so huge with some skins? Also, why doesn't the per application setting of 'only skin title bar' not work for FireFox? Here's a pic of what I'm talking about. The top window is IE and the bottom is FireFox. Notice the difference in info bar size.

Any help and/or insight would be greatly appreciated.

on Jun 28, 2005
The larger status bar may be due to the FF theme you are using.
on Jun 28, 2005
No, I had thought of that and changing the theme didn't do squat. Thanks, though.
on Jun 29, 2005
I have test with a few WB skins, some are a little bigger but not as much as you are having. What WB skin are you using, it may be the issue.
on Jun 29, 2005
That one is Tronnix. Some other skins will also do that same thing. Some won't. Kinda curious as to why.
on Jun 29, 2005
With tronnix and FF default theme the status bar is bigger, may be FF bar size default is a little bigger. Most of the FF themes I use skin the status bar that may be why some are different.